Wednesday, August 3, 2011

42 Things Wrong With American Men

 Upon reading the article 42 Things Wrong With American Women (, I feel the need to single the men out now. The "typical male", as described in this list, has brought down the reputation of the male gender as a whole. As Roosh pointed out, indirectly, we make stereotypes which allow us to place the entire group into one. Well ladies, this is the sad truth about the "typical" male. I laugh at stupid shit like the guys on Jersey Shore. Give me a break.

1. They become overweight once they're in a stable relationship
2.They talk about how "big" they are to compensate for how much they SUCK in bed
3. Their hair falls out
4. They are more impressed by that new PlayStation game that came out rather than their girls new accomplishment in life
5. They think being cocky and arrogant are qualities that women love
6. They idolize pick-up-artists and try to mimic their behavior
7. They can cook, but it is limited and is hidden behind a personal agenda (who's the girl that night?)
8. They perceive women to be high maintenance and helpless and therefore feel the need to smother them with their manliness
9. They carry condoms around thinking their pick-up-artist mentality actually works
10.They are less likely to obtain a higher level of education
11. They have something to prove by driving around with their shirts off
12. They claim they work overtime when they are out getting drinks with "the guys"
13. They dont know the meaning of love, but rather "hit it and quit it"
14. Their primary concerns in life are sex, beer, gym, video games
15. They think because they have a penis, they are entitled to whatever they want
16. They would rather have a hot girl than an intelligent one
17. They think because they are in a fraternity its an automatic sex card
18. They suffer from limp-dick as they get older
19. They think they know the female anatomy and try to show off...but then fail without knowing
20.They are easily duped out when the female fakes her orgasm
21. After the female fakes her orgasm, they feel a sense of accomplishment...epic fail
22. They think going to the gym will get them laid
23. They pressure women, directly or indirectly, into sexual interactions
24. They almost are ALWAYS glued to a video game/TV
25. They obsess over sports and pay more attention to that than their girlfriend/wife
26. They habitually lie so they dont get caught using an online dating service to meet new "friends"
27. They come home drunk
28. They become extremely jealous....easily
29. They dont know how to express their emotions
30. They think they can "buy" their way out of things
31. They treat Max Fitness like a bible
32. It's their way or the highway
33. For them, communication is a thing of the past and think the woman should already know how they feel
34. They think because a woman  looks in their direction, they automatically wanna have sex
35. They care more about maintaining their new hair style than their relationship
36. They feel Mr. Clean and George Foreman are pussies because women should be the ones who cook and clean
37. They like Sports Illustrated and Playboy
38. They do stupid things
39. They are easily persuaded by sex
40. They like Sports Illustrated
41. They are selfish
42.  They make their cars so loud so they dont have to hear their girlfriend/wife complain